Which food gives us energy?food that gives us energy | foods that provide energy | energy giving fruits

 Which food gives us energy?

Our bodies are made of cells and we have to be active to get the nutrients that keep our body functioning at its best, so what foods do we eat give us the energy to function? Well, it depends! You can think of food as an energy source to help your body work for you, but there is a lot more. What does this mean?

It means that there’s way more going on in the body than just how many calories you eat and how many carbs you have, and also even less going on with our immune system and how the function of our tissues. As long as we’re eating enough healthy fruits and vegetables (more), and not too much junk or processed stuff, we will all have the energy our bodies need! If you’ve never noticed before, these foods are also better sources of fiber.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and veggies are very versatile and will give you some good energy. They have lots of vitamins and minerals and they also help keep them healthy because they are full of fiber. Here are some great options!

  • Apples
  • Cantaloupe
  • Lemons
  • Tomatoes
  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Kiwi
  • Plums
  • Avocados
  • Mangoes
  • Peanuts
  • Nuts & Seeds

I’ll let you know why nuts are good energy sources. Their high amounts of protein will provide you energy right when you need it and make you feel fuller for longer. Try adding almonds, walnuts, macadamias, and pistachios to your diet! Be sure to check if any nuts you have are organic. Some may contain a few animal products.

Nuts and seeds can be eaten raw or added to meals. I prefer to add them to salads, soups, and smoothies. This makes them easy to prepare and keeps them fresh for a few days. Make sure to include at least one handful from each fruit or vegetable.


Protein can give your body energy right away and it works particularly well when combined with whole grains so it’s always a good idea to include lean meat in every meal. Lean meats also work well for people who follow plant-based diets to cut down on the amount of fat they eat. The exception is fish like salmon as its oil contains a substance called trans fatty acids and many other unhealthy fats which tend to increase inflammation in the body, so make sure to limit the amount of omega-3 fatty acids and fats you eat from fish. Fish protein is considered by some experts to be bad for you.


Vegetables are a huge part of a balanced diet. They are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Examples of vegetables include:

  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes

Tomato sauces, ketchup, vinaigrette, and salad dressing are made with vegetables. For example, tomato sauce and salad dressing are made from tomatoes. Other examples include carrot soup, red pepper soup, and green pepper soup. There are many variations of these recipes so try to find ones you love or add as you go along. These are great choices to use up those extra veggies to use at the end of the day. So try to be creative when using them on foods.


Fats are great additions to anything, especially meat and fish. Fats and oils are a part of almost every meal and are especially important for vegans. Fat has been used for thousands of years and most cultures use fat as a cooking method. It has been around since time immemorial because our ancestors would hunt meat for their families. In Asian countries, it was used for soya bean flour and rice flour. Also, it has been in modern times due to industrialization and the production of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals that use it to create different ingredients.

However, as a person who doesn’t eat meat or fish, my health benefits from consuming fat come mostly from the fat I eat on my eggs, cheese, and butter, and the butter I add to my toast. However, they are still rich in health benefits. Good fats and healthy fats make great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids support the body’s ability to relax, decrease blood pressure, and lower LDL cholesterol. The reason for this is that it helps the brain to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves mood. Omega 3 fatty acids are also needed for a healthy heart.

Serve with herbs or spices, such as basil or oregano. Both of these will give you a nice, natural herb flavor without overpowering your foods. Use them sparingly in place of salt where it might be added.

When choosing ingredients, look out for added sugars, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils. Avoid refined sugar and opt for natural, unsugary sweeteners. A common choice is a stevia. Stevia is a non-caloric sugar substitute often sold in small bottles. These are very popular and can provide you with amazing energy levels. Many commercial blends and syrups are available as well. Most of them are made to replace sugar. Look for low-calorie blends or syrups to drink instead of sugary sodas and juices. These products may have artificial flavoring or preservatives.

Foods High in Carbs

Carbohydrates are carbohydrates that your body needs to live. Carbohydrates that give you energy are called dietary fibers which are in foods such as grains, oats, barley, corn, rye, and potatoes. Your body uses them to digest and absorb everything else you take in. Eating carbs means that more and more of your food is being digested and absorbed of what you ate. For example, you may consume your breakfast cereal, porridge, or bagel with a carb-heavy biscuit. When your body breaks down those carbs, all is forgiven because they are consumed quickly while your body absorbs these foods. Because of this, your body breaks them down even faster and starts working for you! If you eat too many carbs, this won’t happen and you won’t be able to feel as full or satisfied. That’s why it’s so important to understand that eating carbs isn’t inherently bad though, it does change your hunger hormones which can cause cravings. Always remember to eat carbs in moderation and only have small quantities.

Foods High in Sugar

Sugar is considered a simple carbohydrate and is used for energy and has a sweet taste. Sugar comes from plants, such as apples, honey, cane juice, maple syrup, white table sugar, etc., and animals. Sugars also come from grains, such as wheat, maize flour, bread, peas, beans, peanuts, dates, and raisins. Sweeteners like granulated sugar, dextrose, sucralose, molasses, arrowroot, and agave nectar are often added to sweeten foods. Added sugar also comes from candy and soft drinks such as soda pop, sports drinks, energy drinks, chewing gum, and chocolate. You can find plenty of foods packed with added sugar: cakes and pastries, cookies and baked goods, cereals, hot cocoa and cold brew coffee, ice cream, sweets, desserts like donuts, brownies, pies, crackers, sausage, popcorn and chips, and cake mixes. Keep in mind that all of these items are high in carbs. Eat them in moderation and don’t buy packaged foods that say they are “low-carb.”

Foods High in Salt or Saturated Fat

Foods high in fat are usually low in protein and high in fat. An item is considered saturated fat when it’s the main component of the product and contains more than 10% of daily calories. Foods high in saturated fat include animal products like beef jerky, bacon, pork belly, milk, dairy, margarine, lard, butter, coconut, and palm oil. Some fats are saturated too – like butter, avocado, sesame seed oil, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, and beef tallow. Choose unsaturated (unsaturated fat) vegetable oils like olive oil and soybean oil. Even unsaturated oils – like sunflower, rapeseed, safflower, and almond oil – can be high in saturated fat and should be avoided by anyone looking to improve heart health or lower blood triglycerides and cholesterol.

Foods High in Sodium

Potassium is a mineral found in almost all vegetables including cucumbers, bananas, and spinach. Potassium is good for your nerves but low in sodium. To help boost potassium intake, choose to add canned or frozen peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, frozen peas, brussels sprouts, and broccoli for a dose of Vitamin D. One teaspoon or two tablespoons of fortified water or lemon juice will suffice. Just remember to stay hydrated when you consume these foods.

Foods Low in Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that sticks to the digestive tract and carries waste through it. Fibers also allow your body to absorb more nutrients from your meals. All fruits and vegetables contain some kind of fiber. Most foods that are higher in fiber include whole grain bread and cereals (whole wheat bread, spaghetti, pumpernickel, and white toast), vegetables (carrots, cabbage, celery, turnip greens, peas, squash, yams, lettuce, kale, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts). Whole grains are also a good source of fiber because they are nutrient-dense. Fiber also carries water into your intestines which keeps you regular. If fiber is left out, constipation and diarrhea may result. If you choose to eat fiber-rich foods, try to include them in the same portion size as your other food groups. Fruit is higher in fiber than vegetables because it tends to

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